Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Esteban Spanish Male Crowned in victory Varian...
Estefan Spanish Male Crowned in victory
Estevan Spanish Male Variant of Stephen.
Estevon Spanish Male Variant of Stephen.
Estmund English Male Protected by God
Eston English Male From East town. Surname.
Etan Hebrew Male Strong
Etchemin Native American Male Canoe man (Algonquin)
Eth Irish Male Fire
Ethan Hebrew Male Strong
Ethelbald Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Ethelbert English Male Splendid
Ethelbert Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Ethelred Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Ethelwulf Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Etienne French Male French form of Stephen
Etlelooaat Native American Male Shouts (Algonquin)
Etu Native American Male Sun
Euan Irish Male Possibly a variant of Joh...
Eugen German Male Noble
Eugenio Spanish Male Noble
Evadeam Arthurian Legend Male A dwarf
Evalac Arthurian Legend Male Name of a king
Evan Celtic Male Young fighter
Evan Scottish Male Right handed
Evarado Spanish Male Hardy; brave.
Evelake Arthurian Legend Male Name of a king
Evelyn Hebrew Male Life
Ever English Male Strong as a boar
Everard German Male Hardy; brave.
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