Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Eginhardt German Male Strong with a sword
Egon German Male Strong with a sword
Egon Irish Male Fiery
Ehren German Male Honorable
Eibhear English Male Strong as a boar
Eideard English Male Wealthy guardian
Eilig Scottish Male From the deer pass
EIlis Hebrew Male Jehovah is God
Eimar Irish Male Swift
Eimhin Irish Male Swift
Einhard German Male Strong with a sword
Einhardt German Male Strong with a sword
Einion Celtic Male Anvil
Eisa Arabic Male Arabic form of Jesus
Ekerd German Male Sacred
Ekhard German Male Sacred
Ektor Arthurian Legend Male Father of Arthur
Elam Hebrew Male In the bible one of five ...
Elan Hebrew Male Tree
Elan Native American Male Friendly
Elazar Hebrew Male God has helped
Elazaro Hebrew Male God has helped
Elbert German Male Bright; famous.
Eldan English Male From the elves'valley
Elden English Male From the elves'valley Fro...
Elder English Male From the elder tree
Eldon English Male From the elves'valley Fro...
Eldred Anglo-Saxon Male Wise advisor
Eldred English Male Old/wise ruler.
Eldrian English Male Old/wise ruler.
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