Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Gilibeirt Irish Male Pledge
Gill French Male French form of Julius
Gilleabart Scottish Male Pledge
Gilleasbuig German Male Bold
Gilleasbuig Scottish Male Bold
Gillecriosd Scottish Male Christ bearer
Gillermo Spanish Male Variant of William Resolu...
Gilley Irish Male Serves Christ
Gilli Hebrew Male Happiness
Gillivray Scottish Male Servant of judgment
Gilmar English Male Famous hostage
Gilmat Scottish Male Sword bearer.
Gilmer English Male Famous hostage
Gilmer Scottish Male Sword bearer.
Gilmore Celtic Male Serves Mary
Gilmore Scottish Male Sword bearer.
Gilpin English Male Trusted
Gilroy Celtic Male Serves the red haired lor...
Gilroy Scottish Male Serves the king.
Gilvarry Irish Male Serves Christ
Gimm Anglo-Saxon Male Gem
Giolla Chriost Irish Male Serves Christ
Giollabrighde Irish Male Serves Saint Bridget
Giollabuidhe Irish Male Blond
Giolladhe Irish Male Golden
Giomar German Male Famous in battle.
Giovanni Hebrew Male Gift from God
Girflet Arthurian Legend Male Returns Excalibur to the ...
Giselbert English Male Trusted
Giselmaere English Male Famous hostage
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