Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Hashim Arabic Male Destroys eviI
Haslet English Male From the hazel tree land
Haslett English Male From the hazel tree land
Hassan Arabic Male Handsome
Hassun Native American Male Stone (Algonquin)
Hastiin Native American Male Man (Navajo)
Hastings English Male Violent
Haven English Male place of safety; shelter.
Havyn English Male Safety
Hawiovi Native American Male Going down the ladder (Ho...
Hawley English Male From the hedged meadow
Hawly English Male From the hedged meadow
Hay Scottish Male From the stockade
Hayden English Male From the hedged in valley
Haydon English Male From the hedged in valley
Haye Scottish Male From the stockade
Hayes English Male From the hedged land
Hayes Irish Male Surname.
Hayle English Male Lives in the hall
Hayward English Male Keeper of the hedged encl...
Haywood English Male From the hedged forest
Hayyim Hebrew Male Life
He lush ka Native American Male Fighter (Winnebago)
Heahweard English Male Chief guardian
Healhtun English Male From the hillslope estate
Heall English Male From the manor
Healleah English Male From the manor house mead...
Heallstede English Male From the manor house
Healum English Male Lives at the hall's slope...
Healy English Male From the slope land
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