Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Paschal Hebrew Male Born on Passover
Pascual French Male Born on Easter
Pascual Hebrew Male Passover.
Pascual Spanish Male Passover.
Pasqual Hebrew Male Passover.
Pasqual Spanish Male Passover.
Pasquale French Male Born on Easter
Pat Native American Male Fish
Pat Irish Male Patrician; noble. Abbrevi...
Pat English Male Patrician; noble. Abbrevi...
Patamon Native American Male Tempest
Paton English Male From the warrior's town
Paton Scottish Male Royal
Patric French Male Patrician; noble. Form of...
Patricio Spanish Male Patrician; noble. Form of...
Patrick English Male Patrician; noble. Romans ...
Patrick Irish Male Patrician; noble. Romans ...
Patrido Spanish Male Noble
Patten English Male From the warrior's town
Pattin English Male From the warrior's town
Patton English Male From the warrior's town
Patwin Native American Male Man
Paul English Male Little. Biblical apostle ...
Paul French Male Little. Biblical apostle ...
Pauloc English Male Little rock
Paulson English Male Little. Son of Paul. Surn...
Pax English Male From the peaceful farm
Paxton English Male From the peaceful farm
Paxtun English Male From the peaceful farm
Pay Native American Male He is coming
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