Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Wilmod German Male Resolute spirit
Wilmot German Male Resolute spirit
Wilpert German Male Resolute or brilliant
Wilson English Male Son of Will. Surname.
Wilton English Male From the farm by the spri...
Win English Male Friend
Wincel English Male From the bend in the road
Winchell Anglo-Saxon Male Drawer of water
Windell English Male Traveler; wanderer.
Windell German Male Traveler; wanderer.
Windgate English Male From the winding gate
Windham English Male From the windy viIlage
Windsor English Male From Windsor
Wine English Male Friend
Wine Anglo-Saxon Male Friend
Winefield English Male From a friend's field
Winefrith English Male Friend of peace
Winetorp English Male From Wine's estate
Winfield English Male Stone marker of friendshi...
Winfred English Male Friend of peace
Winfrid English Male Friend of peace
Winfrith English Male Friend of peace
Wingate English Male From the winding gate
Winn English Male Friend
Winslow English Male Stone marker of friendshi...
Winslowe English Male From Wine's hill
Winsor English Male From Windsor
Winston English Male From Wine's farm
Winswode English Male From Wine's forest
Wintanweorth English Male From the white one's esta...
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