Unique Baby Names

Celtic Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Merlin Celtic Male From the hill over the se...
Merlyn Celtic Male From the hill over the se...
Merna Celtic Female Tender
Mirna Celtic Female Tender
Moina Celtic Female Mild or tender
Moira Celtic Female Exceptional
Mor Celtic Female Exceptional
Moreen Celtic Female Great
Morfran Celtic Male Mythical ugly demon
Morgan Celtic Female Dweller of the sea
Morgan Celtic Male Lives by the sea
Morgana Celtic Female Dweller of the sea
Morgance Celtic Female Dweller of the sea
Morgane Celtic Female Dweller of the sea
Morna Celtic Female Dearly loved or tender
Morrigan Celtic Female A war goddess
Morven Celtic Male Lives by the sea
Morvyn Celtic Male Lives by the sea
Moryn Celtic Male Lives by the sea
Moya Celtic Female Exceptional
Moyna Celtic Female Tender or mild
Mungo Celtic Male Lovable
Murdoc Celtic Male Seaman
Murdoch Celtic Male Seaman
Murdock Celtic Male Seaman
Muriel Celtic Female Shining sea.
Murray Celtic Male Lives by the sea
Murry Celtic Male Lives by the sea
Murtagh Celtic Male Protects the sea
Mynogan Celtic Male Mythical father of Beli
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