Unique Baby Names

Celtic Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Conn Celtic Male Mythical son of Lir wise;...
Connal Celtic Male High; mighty.
Connell Celtic Male Strong in battle
Connla Celtic Male Mythical son of Conn
Conroy Celtic Male Persistent
Conway Celtic Male Hound of the plain
Corann Celtic Male Mythical druid
Cordelia Celtic Female Of the sea
Cormac Celtic Male Charioteer
Coventina Celtic Female Water goddess
Cradawg Celtic Male Mythical son of Bran
Cuchulain Celtic Male Mythical Hound of Ulster
Cuinn Celtic Male Wise
Culain Celtic Male Mythical smith
Culann Celtic Male Mythical smith
Cullen Celtic Male Cub
Custennin Celtic Male Mythical giant
Dallas Celtic Male Dwells by the waterfall
Daman Celtic Male Demon
Dana Celtic Female From Denmark
Darcy Celtic Male Dark
Dearg Celtic Male Son of Daghda
Dechtire Celtic Female Mythical nursemaid
Deheune Celtic Female Divine one
Deirdre Celtic Female Sorrowful
Deoch Celtic Female Mythical princess of Muns...
Dermot Celtic Male Free
Desmond Celtic Male From south Munster
Deva Celtic Female Divine one
Devin Celtic Male Poet
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