Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Ashley English Female From the ash tree grove; ...
Ashley English Male Lives in the ash tree gro...
Ashlie English Female Meadow of ash trees.
Ashlin English Female Meadow of ash trees.
Ashlin English Male Lives at the ash tree poo...
Ashlinn English Female Meadow of ash trees.
Ashly English Female Meadow of ash trees.
Ashly English Male Lives in the ash tree gro...
Ashlyn English Female Meadow of ash trees.
Ashlynn English Female Meadow of ash trees.
Ashlynne English Female Meadow of ash trees.
Ashten English Female Town of ash trees.
Ashtin English Male Ash tree.
Ashton English Female Town of ash trees.
Ashton English Male From the ash tree farm
Ashtyn English Female Town of ash trees.
Ashwin English Male Spear friend
Ashwyn English Male Spear friend
Athelston English Male From the noble's hill
Athelward English Male Noble protector
Athemar English Male Noble or famous
Atherton English Male Lives at the spring farm
Athilda English Female At the elder tree
Athmarr English Male Noble or famous
Athmore English Male From the moor
Atilda English Female At the elder tree
Atkinson English Male Son of Aiken
Atkinsone English Male Son of Aiken
Atmore English Male From the moor
Attewater English Male From the waterside
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