Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Arielle French Female Lion of God.
Arjean French Female Silvery.
Arleta French Female A medieval given name.
Arletta French Female A medieval given name.
Arlette French Female A medieval given name.
Armand French Male French form of Herman
Aron French Male Lofty or inspired.
Artus French Male Noble
Auberta French Female Feminine variant of Alber...
Aubin French Male Fair
Aubina French Female Blond
Aubine French Female Blond
Aubree French Female Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubrey French Female Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubrey French Male Blond ruler
Aubriana French Female Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubrianne French Female Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubrie French Female Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubry French Female Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubry French Male Rules with elf-wisdom.
Auda French Female Old or wealthy
Aude French Female Old or wealthy
Audra French Female Nobility; strength.
Audree French Female Nobility; strength.
Audric French Male Old or wise ruler
Auhert French Male Noble
Auriville French Male From the gold town
Aurore French Female Dawn. Aurora was the myth...
Austen French Male Variant of Augustine.
Austin French Male Variant of Augustine.
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