Unique Baby Names

Irish Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Cornelius Irish Male Strong willed or wise
Corran Irish Male Spear-bearer.
Correen Irish Female Maiden
Correena Irish Female Maiden
Corren Irish Male Spear-bearer.
Correy Irish Male Variant of Corey Hill hol...
Corri Irish Female Variant of Cory meaning v...
Corrianna Irish Female Variant of Cory meaning v...
Corrianne Irish Female Variant of Cory meaning v...
Corrick Irish Male Variant of Corey Hill hol...
Corrie Irish Female Variant of Cory meaning v...
Corrin Irish Male Spear-bearer.
Corry Irish Female Variant of Cory meaning v...
Cory Irish Female From the round hill; seet...
Cory Irish Male From the round hill
Costello Irish Male Surname.
Coughlan Irish Male Hooded
Covey Irish Male Hound of the plains
Cowan Irish Male Twin
Cowen Irish Male Twin
Cowyn Irish Male Twin
Coyle Irish Male Leader in battle.
Creedon Irish Male A surname meaning Belief;...
Crevan Irish Male Fox
Crissa Irish Female Abbreviation of Christine...
Crissie Irish Female Abbreviation of Christine...
Crissy Irish Female Abbreviation of Christine...
Cristie Irish Female Abbreviation of Christine...
Cristin Irish Female Servant of Christ
Cristy Irish Female Abbreviation of Christine...
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