Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Hroc English Male Crow
Hrocby English Male From the crow's estate
Hrocesburh English Male From the crow's forest
Hrothgar Anglo-Saxon Male Legend name
Hrothrehr Irish Male Famous ruler
Hrycg English Male From the ridge
Hrychleah English Male From the meadow's edge
Hrypa Anglo-Saxon Male The shouter
Hrypanleah English Male From the shouter's meadow
Hrytherford English Male From the cattle ford
Hsmilton English Male From the grassy estate
Huarwar Celtic Male Mythical son of Halwn
Hubbard German Male Graceful
Hubert German Male Bright; intelligent.
Hud English Male Hooded
Hudson English Male Son of the hooded man
Hueil Celtic Male Mythical son of Caw
Huey English Male Intelligent
Hugh English Male Intelligent
Hugh French Male Intelligent
Hughes Irish Male Surname.
Hugi English Male Intelligent
Hugo Spanish Male Intelligent
Hugo German Male Variant of Hugh a thinker...
Hulbard German Male Graceful
Hulbart German Male Graceful
Hulbert German Male Graceful
Huldiberaht German Male Graceful
Humayd Arabic Male Praised
Humberto Spanish Male Intelligent; Big; bright.
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