Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Humberto German Male Big; bright.
Hume Scottish Male From the cave
Humility English Male Humble
Humphrey German Male Peaceful Hun
Hunfrid German Male Peaceful Hun
Hunfried German Male Peaceful Hun
Hungas Irish Male One vigor
Hunt English Male Pursuer. Surname.
Hunter English Male Hunter
Huntingden English Male From the hunter's hill
Huntingdon English Male From the hunter's hill
Huntington English Male From the hunting farm
Huntingtun English Male From the hunting farm
Huntley English Male From the hunter's meadow
Huntly English Male From the hunter's meadow
Huritt Native American Male Handsome (Algonquin)
Hurlbart English Male Army strong
Hurlbert English Male Army strong
Hurley Irish Male Sea tide
Hurst English Male Lives in the forest
Hurste English Male Lives in the forest
Husain Arabic Male Small beauty; Good. The f...
Husam al Din Arabic Male Sword of faith
Husayn Arabic Male Good. The founder of Shii...
Hussain Arabic Male Good. The founder of Shii...
Hussein Arabic Male Good. The founder of Shii...
Hutton English Male From the estate on the ri...
Huxeford English Male From Hugh's ford
Huxford English Male From Hugh's ford
Huxley English Male From Hugh's meadow
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