Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Ken English Male Royal obligation; Abbrevi...
Kenan Irish Male Archaic
Kendal Celtic Male From the bright valley
Kendal English Male Royal valley. Surname ref...
Kendale English Male Royal valley. Surname ref...
Kendall Celtic Male From the bright valley
Kendall English Male Royal valley. Surname ref...
Kendel English Male Royal valley. Surname ref...
Kendell English Male Royal valley. Surname ref...
Kendhal Celtic Male From the bright valley
Kendrew Scottish Male Manly; brave. Form of And...
Kendric Scottish Male Royal chieftain. Surname.
Kendrick Anglo-Saxon Male Fearless leader
Kendrick Scottish Male Royal chieftain. Surname.
Kendriek English Male Son of Harry
Kendrik Scottish Male Royal chieftain. Surname.
Kendrik English Male Son of Harry
Kendrix Scottish Male Royal chieftain. Surname.
Kendryek Anglo-Saxon Male Fearless leader
Kendryk English Male Son of Harry
Kenelm English Male Defends the family
Kenley English Male From the king's meadow
Kenly English Male From the king's meadow
Kenn English Male Abbreviation of names beg...
Kennan English Male Abbreviation of names beg...
Kennan Scottish Male Abbreviation of Kenneth. ...
Kennard English Male Bold
Kennedy Irish Male Helmeted
Kennedy Scottish Male Ugly head
Kennelly Irish Male Surname.
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