Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Elita English Female Winged
Elivina English Female Good elf
Eliza English Female Variation of Elizabeth. M...
Eliza French Female Consecrated to God
Eliza Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Elizabeth Hebrew Female My God is bountiful;God o...
Elizabeth English Female My God is bountiful;God o...
Elizabeth Arthurian Legend Female Sister of Mark
Elizaveta Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Elka Hebrew Female Oath to God
Elke Hebrew Female Oath to God
Elke German Female Noble. Variant of Alice.
Ella English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor a...
Ella French Female Medieval given name meani...
Ellaine French Female Shining light. Variant of...
Ellayne French Female Shining light. Variant of...
Elle English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor a...
Ellecia English Female Variant of Elias which is...
Ellee English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor a...
Elleen Irish Female Variant of Helen. Means L...
Ellen English Female Variant of Helen. Means L...
Ellena English Female Variant of Helen. Means L...
Ellene English Female Variant of Helen. Means L...
Ellenweorc Anglo-Saxon Female Famous courage
Ellesse English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor a...
Ellette Anglo-Saxon Female Little elf
Elli Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Ellia English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor a...
Ellice English Female Variant of Elias which is...
Ellice Hebrew Female Jehovah is God
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